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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Semen .... Color and fertility

White color of semen, may be inclined to yellow, the degree of color may vary from time to another due to many factors, including type of food covered by the rights; yellowing, we find increases in the case of eating foods that contain substances Alkorotinip carrots, cabbage and so on. And semen stream, and a little cash, and the reason for this is contained on the proteins of sperm and secretions of sexual glands. The reason liquidity is a type of enzymes called Alvyprinowlesin which prevents the clotting proteins, and when semen exposure to air, spoils of this enzyme occurs clotting semen becomes rigid when exposed to air for a while.

The most important evidence for the safety of the semen and its ability to fertilize; First: the number of sperm, which range in number from 2080 million per cc, and this number is not related to the amount of semen, but should know about through the analysis, II: the ratio of sperm distorted and weak (few of movement) in excess of the limit, this is a sign of lack of fertilization


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