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Is marriage kills love?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Marriage does not kill love, it is even aggravated depth and originality, what it is all that love is no longer needed to express himself as long as the marriage is attested by his presence and protected, but people who do not feel alone and their feelings REM need to tell him we love him, and that We reiterate that at all times and only felt the pain and misery, and that the status of women and men as well. In common life finds love new forms of expressing existence and confirms the originality and depth, and thus become expressions of love without the benefit of no avail, acts and attitudes should be sufficient, but it is only to prove the existence of love and express it really. The fact that love is reflected in the attempts wife Avenue to achieve greater understanding and harmony, as well as the common desire to have a child and hopes for the joint, all of this is true in itself, but does not preclude women's sense of pain as long as the spouse does not express her love does not show so more of tenderness and gentleness, and often noticed that women by definition, the husband and the increase in paper towards him, increase his often strained, some women whenever They feel they gave their more tenderness and kindness they felt their husbands stay away of them. Can not couple in fact, avoid moments of apathy that plagued their lives from time to time, and is better for them to recognize the reality that Ewaghah in the calm and courage, and are confident that the withdrawal does not soon go away, Vetotr one of them and anger is not inevitably be subordinated to calm the other and smile, but may tension builds as the other adult in the synthesis of false calm and fun. Usually Almahban they Itbahian they integrated unit is no difference between them is assigned, and this is wrong, whatever their ties strong and close, and whatever the harmony between them in full will remain for each of them the same temperament and inclinations, abilities, character and ideas, and here there must be cost them so avoid shock when discover that they do not agree in everything the opposite of what they were Itohemen. then that both had feared for his freedom from Zgeean Love Do not doubt for a beloved distance closer than this, that sometimes scares the tyranny of love. The phrase "Tell me you love me" may mean "Tell me you love me as long as you love me already .. tell me you really love me, regardless of the fact that your emotions Grammar." The automatic reaction may be one of silence or a short answer such as, "Of course I love you, as you know "The truth is that love does not kill the marriage, and enough acts and deeds of the sign of love and strength. and not only women that would like to express his love for her husband, the man also fret is also the same sense of ... The truth is that love does not kill him but the marriage is expressed in other things and feel foreseen by intelligent women, and realize temperature and touching her husband prophetess, and each expresses his love one way or another.

Libido that generate and move and piety in the young age, about five years of age, ie before the completion of mental ability, and able to shoulder the burdens of marriage, and family care, and treatment of the other sidekick justice and honor.

Marriage is not a physical catharsis for miles only! It's physical, moral and social require different qualifications, and to be completed this qualification status of Islam to ensure that the foundations of the life of purity and literature for boys and girls alike.

I think that people take the five prayers throughout the day have a profound impact in whispers falling away, to join the prevention of all Thrills that could trigger latent desires. The veil of the project, ignoring the sight, and hide the ornaments, and the spacing between the breath of men and the breath of women in any mixing of messy, and fill leisure time with various Jihad scientific, social and military - when needed -; all bear good fruit in building the society on the virtues.

Then comes marriage, which improves its early, also improves stripped of the traditions of hypocrisy and extravagance, and affectation, which excelled in people to create them was a disaster for them.

The oddity of human behavior it is that is made for the same harmful restrictions, which creates a myth, and sacred!!

Islam is the right medication is effective, and the elements that it provides to the community clean, maintained its symptoms, and prevail defer chastity and begins at home, Valslwat organized its members, all boys and men, and watching the performance her in a kind and rigorous, and takes into account the symbols of Islam, food, clothing, accommodation and polite, and host of relatives and friends. .

The many aspects of public life, is responsible for the maintenance of the home and promote purity, and the creation of generations to a minimum integrity.

There are three parameters should be available in a Muslim household, or to show moral support for his being in the lead mission and achieve its function, these three are: tranquility, love and compassion ..

I mean, tranquility and psychological stability, so the wife's delight for her husband, not Ieduha to another, and delight to be the husband to his wife, not thinking in other ..

The affection is mutual feeling of love makes the relationship based on the satisfaction and happiness .. And comes with the role of compassion to know that this character-based ethics of the great men and women alike, as God Almighty says to His Prophet, "the great mercy of God Lent, if you're harsh hearted shake around .." (Al-Imran: 159), no mercy for the color of pity the crossbar, but the paper is the spring of permanent and gentleness and honor creative curriculum ..

When the houses on the housing stable, and friendly caller, and compassion forearm, the marriage will be supervised blessings, Obarakaa impact ...

And will overcome many obstacles, and be nothing but good offsprings, that most of what the boys than a decade and rivalry due to ill marital relationship, and the corruption of fences.

The religion does not suppress the demands of instinct, nor confiscate longings to self-satisfaction, comfort and joy, and when a person decides to marry to investigate the existence of the qualities sought by women's right and who also choose Baal.

If ratified Khobar marriage and stayed true, otherwise the future of the clouds.

There are men who think that they have rights, not their duties, he has been living in the shell of selfishness and its objectives alone, is a poet the other party, and what should be his. Muslim and the House is based on a fair basis, "and they like upon him and the men have a degree" (Baqarah: 228), a degree of stewardship of this company or principality of living .. ! And serve as a company without a president.

Obviously, this government will not be obsolete to the opinion of the wife, and their legitimate interests were literary or material ..

The social function of the house of a Muslim require certain qualifications, if the glory and presence there is no meaning to the marriage contract.

These qualifications are imposed on men and women together, it is felt helpless about it the right to marry him ..

If women were impoverished tenderness severe heart strong sense of Bmarabha dull sense of the demands of others is better for them to remain single, you will not serve as a housewife, said that the pair may fall, and may depart by reason Narrow the nurse rented. Supposed to be his wife from the other patient showed the screen and hope and pray for him ..

Parties will not understand this issue only if we know that the houses built on mutual love, "are to dress as you dress them" (Baqarah: 187) as he says.


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