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Dry mouth effect of sexual intercourse

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dry mouth effect of sexual intercourse

Some women complain of a severe drought in the mouth and throat after they reach the peak orgasm during the exercise of love with men. But that one woman complained to the doctor the severity of dry mouth, saying that her lips almost Tltsqan teeth after feeling a jolt intercourse and find themselves in need to drink a quantity of water immediately. As was men of pride because they were able to bring their wives to the top of pleasure, we find women are happy as well so, but they want to know the reason for this drought as a matter of knowing something. The of Obstetricians and Gynecologists on that, saying that there are more than likely make the female feel dry mouth and throat. Before mentioning the reasons doctors say that such women Ihsdhn many because their husbands are keen to Iissahin to peak during cohabitation. Doctors say that the most important reasons is the husband's ability to continue to peek at his wife and their involvement in a lot of exciting things that increase the heart rate and respiratory rate, making it breathe from her mouth as women sports that participate in the games sprint which makes them sweat and lose the amount of water which made her feel thirsty, drought and the need to drink water, as do women's sports that carries with it a bottle of water during exercise to avoid dehydration. There are other possible causes, including increased secretion of adrenaline orgasm after orgasm. This hormone produced by the body in cases of excitement, tension and fear, which is what happens to some when facing a difficult situation, or when asked to speak to the public. This is caused by lack of secretion of the hormone in the saliva, leading to dry mouth. That the peak in the exercise of love causes a lot of unusual situations in the body. For women feel cramping in the pelvis because of uterine contractions. The cause sometimes occurs in spasms in the feet and fingers because of the contractions of the muscles of the feet. And some females feel itching in the skin, especially in the chest area because of the euphoria of sexual intercourse. This euphoria may lead to headache due to the change in brain blood flow. It is possible that sometimes women feel after having a thirst of continuous sexual intercourse because of congestion back of the nose. But the fact is that basic fixed orgasm in women feeling wonderful sense of the word, regardless of symptoms other simple


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