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Conditions and position of intercourse and sexual intercourse sex talk

Saturday, March 5, 2011

There are more than 150 position for sex can not be explained as a whole.

Important to both spouses can choose the appropriate position depending on what Erhama Imitahma together and to the attention of a period of foreplay and fondling and kissing, touching and Alltm before penetration. Trtamoa not your women like animals kiss and make messenger .. Do not know whether you are married or not - if you miss you do not need to know the positions and postures that now they might not Tthirk Nfiedk. If you are married Vantzerina in the numbers coming where we will publish the fees situation Todhip Coma Sutra on the way .. This gift to the readers of the clinic nationality. There are traditional postures.

Men over normail psotion
Knight situation - wife over - woman above
French situation - explained the man behind a wife
Situation oral - oral sex licking of the genital organs of a couple mouth
69 Licking dual situation of the couple together in a mutually exclusive at the same time
Development of the chair - a husband and wife sitting sitting contrast
Monica put a situation that the initial Pets For play


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